

You now have to pitch your two ideas to a client. (Teams recording to your teacher and some classmates)

The purpose of the pitch is to present your two ideas in the best way possible to prove that they are worthy subjects to pursue. Your pitch should also allow you the opportunity to get feedback on how to improve your ideas and to decide which idea to pursue into production.

Things you need to include in your pitch:
- Presentation
- Clear summary of your ideas
- Interactive elements
- Test footage

You might want to consider the following to ensure you have an effective pitch:
- Making your idea clear
- Linking your products to existing products
- Interesting imagery and icons
- Arguing why your music video is worthwhile
- Discuss how you plan to implement your test footage style in your final piece
- Discuss the practicality of your music video
- Discuss financial plans and logistics
- Discuss key locations
- Discuss key people
- Discuss the target audience.

After your 5-8 minute pitch, your audience should have a clear idea of what your two ideas are, so that your audience are able to give clear and constructive feedback in your questionnaire that allows them to suggest changes that you can make to your ideas. Your questionnaire could also allow your audience to help you decide which idea to pursue.

Marking Scheme

Upload both presentations and your feedback sheets.


Print screen of presentation
Link to video file of pitch
Screenshot of handouts (or state what prop you brought in)

P4 Learners pitch their ideas, treatments and sample pre-production materials for original audio-visual products to a producer, client or focus group for feedback

M2 Learners are able to deliver an effective pitch or presentation. The content of the pitch or  presentation is detailed and relevant
